is the article I found this morning. The article pretty much states the building was torn down due to vandalists on the outside and Urban Explorers on the inside. Abandoned Dreams explored this location back when we first started as a group. We entered through the roof leaving no chance for the vandals to use our entrance. The plan worked and the inside saw very little damage by man. Natural damage on the other hand took the place down hard. Well, now it's gone. I've yet to find any other website aside from the Abandoned Dreams 06 and 07 websites that have interiors from Triboro. and All the images refferred to in the article can be seen on these pages. I'm feeling like kind of a dick for getting such a nice location torn down, but whatever. Just thought I'd share. I went down to the location a few minutes after I read the article off Google only to find a slab of dirt on which the building would have once stood. Sad. Heres the only two shots I bothered to take.

I just found this short clip of Triboros demolition online and thought I'd share it. I did not take this video.
And this 30 second clip of some kid in the theater. Its dark and the kid sounds like a pussy, but apprently thats where he is.